Friday, April 11, 2003

Well this morning at 2:00am I finished my English paper...which means that I HAVE NO MORE PAPERS TO WRITE UNTIL THE FALL!!! WOOHOOO!!! I am free for one whole week to laze around and do nothing!! oh this is soooo going to be fun! heehee. :)
-Word to the Wise: remember that cement and skin don't mix. so when you trip and fall on your right hand, left knee, and your right toe and shin scrape on the cement steps, they won't turn out pretty! muchos amounts of blood gush out of your toe and start sticking to your flip-flops. and that the scrape on your knee causes your pants to scuff...and your shin is just in pain from the scrape the cement caused it, and of course your hand is in pain because you burned off a layer of skin so basically nerves are being exposed. so yeah, if you're ever wondering about whether cement is a good place to fall...just remember this note. oh and carry around bandaids...because teachers in college don't have them and it takes awhile for receptionists to find them. they also get quite queazy when they see your toe all bloody on your flip-flop. oh and make sure you can get to a bathroom quick to clean yourself up. its a good thing my english class was let out early today...otherwise i'd be in History class watching my flip-flop getting darker and darker from the blood stain. thank you Lord for watching out for me! anyways...i have to go to history now.

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