Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Today Beebs and I went to a new restaurant for dinner. It had been recommended to us by one of our sisters, and so we decided to try it out..since dinner at the house today was really gross. anyways...this place was totally awesome! :) It specializes in stir-fry...and most of you know how i feel about that! woohoo! ;) but anyways, they have great food! Besides the main meal, you also get a free chocolate candy for dessert (which was such a nice treat for a chocolate lover like myself), and the pleasure of reading some of the most random quotes on the wall! I decided to write down a few, so that those of you who don't live in the wonderful city of Tally, can join in on these fun little sayings.

-Heck Yeah. We make tastebuds really shine. But our bathrooms sparkle. (guess where this was hanging? yup right outside the bathrooms)

-Always read stuff that make you look good if you die in the middle of it.

-Good enough to slap a bear in the face for. (my personal fave! hahahaha)

-Did you close your garage door? (next to the entrance)

-We clean the table. You get on with your life. (next to the cashier and soda machine)

I was excited that we had tried out a seems like the kind of place that the Food Network people would find! It was fun. A definite after-church possibility in my mind. :) And I think I can speak for Beebs on this one that we both totally enjoyed ourselves!

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