Wednesday, April 16, 2003

There are so many fun people in this world....the ones that I have particularly enjoyed lately have been the peeps in the GiFi family in Phi Mu. They are so great! :) Today I was hanging out with three of them and helping them make a sign for Nicole (one of my sisters who is coming home tonight from a trip). Now Nicole has a goldfish...and being the random person that she is, she named it Goldy Tinyrificus Maristani. So Lucia (her big sis) decides that the poster that is welcoming her home should be from Tinyrificus. Tippy (her twin) decides that it should say "Welcome Home Mom! love, Tinyrificus" that is so great! I love hanging out with them! They make me laugh all the time! imagine your goldfish making a sign for you! hahahaha. its really hilarious if you think about it long enough!

I was walking to my history class today and I laughed at a shirt this guy was wearing that said "Slackers Unite! Tomorrow." hahahaha. i still think its funny! its so perfect! Hey that reminds me...janna...i still think we should make shirts for our club CPSA (Car-less Peoples of America).

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