Wednesday, April 02, 2003

OH MY GOSH! THE FUNNIEST THING HAPPENED TODAY! Katie and I were talking to eachother online and I needed to use a smiley I increased the size of it so that it was gigantic! anyways...then we both saw our friend come on line (this friend's name will remain nameless, thus protected from the laughter that will follow if people knew this friend's identity) and decided that it was time to throw on our coats of weirdness and attack our friend....and then insued the Great Smiley Face Invasion.

yes i know....very terrifying. But alas...this poor friend was not able to surpass our weirdness....nor even come close to equaling our this friend merely gave us a boring response. But we were not continued on, ever challenging the weirdness level and our friend's level of gullibility. katie and i were both trying to think of a creative way for me to end my conversation with our friend because i admit...i am lacking in the creativity at times...and katie came up with a clever little diddy....she said, to our friend for me: "a bird just flew through Carrie's window and shattered the glass. It's lying on her floor. She has to go clean up the mess now." meanwhile i had already said my boring goodbye when all of a sudden my friend quickly IMed me saying: "A bird just flew through your window?!?" (at this point in the conversation i would like to point out that katie and i quickly stopped talking over IM and i called her room right away in a fit of laughter over what had just occurred)

SIDE NOTE: Both Katie and I would like to say that we never intentionally meant for our friend to believe what we was supposed to be one of those--ha ha guys are weird--kind of things.

anyways back to the story so i decide to further this imaginary incident even further to see if our friend would continue to believe our story...and said:"yeah it did. Its really gross." (there ya go...a perfect example of my lack of creativity) well our friend believed me. but i soon realized that it was 11:59pm....STILL APRIL FOOLS DAY!! we had a way out of this! so i quickly told Katie over the phone and IMed our friend and told our friend that it was an April Fools joke. of course our friend was shocked and then quickly gave us the response we had wanted and laughed at us and our strange behavior....needless to say katie and i have build rock hard abs over this whole incident from the muchos amounts of laughter. :) I have to say...for the record, this has been the best April Fools Joke in my entire existence! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

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