Wednesday, October 01, 2003

It is amazing how God knows exactly how to talk to His children. Tonight my friend Chris was telling me about one of his adventures while he was in Spain, and told me how God had met with him on a mountain side. It reminded me of one of the best quiet times I've had since coming to happened this past Tuesday. The weather was perfect on Tuesday and I could not help but compliment it...I kept saying over and over again how pretty it was. So naturally I wanted to do my homework outside. But before I did my homework, I decided to do my quiet was amazing. I ended up pretty much sitting in God's presence for an hour praising His Name and talking to Him as though there was nothing else to do. He encouraged me sooo much within that hour...I can't even describe how wonderful it is to know a God who will personally meet with His children. I understood that verse that talks about all of creation is praising His name and telling the whole world of His works and glory.

This is off the point...but I so excited to go home this weekend! I have not been home in two whole months...yes this may sound small to some people...but I have realized that I am a family person, and love being around them. I have missed being at my house and talking to my i hope this weekend is very relaxing and a nice breather for me till Thanksgiving break.

oh my gosh...i have finally seen the trailer to The Return of the King and I am going balistic right now! I cannot cannot cannot wait for this movie to come out! I jumped when I saw the spider part!! And I knew they would show it! It's going to be the best movie yet! oh man....i'm so excited!!! 76 days left until this movie comes out. oh yes...a countdown has begun. speaking of great movies coming out, if you have not seen the trailer for The Passion by Mel Gibson, definitely find it online...because that is also going to be one good movie. So far all the reviews I've heard from respected Christians have said it is one of the most moving portrayals of the crucifixion they have ever seen, and it caused them to cry. I am hoping and praying that it changes a lot of lives...this could be a huge thing. Pray that this movie comes out, cause I know that Satan probably does not want this movie out there. maybe i'll just put links up on this blog so all you have to do is click it and you won't have any excuse not to see them!

The Passion

The Return of the King

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