Monday, January 30, 2006

To live is Christ, to die is gain

Staci Stevens was a girl who let the Lord use her to impact her school for Christ. I was privileged to be one of her Bible Study leaders for one summer in 2004...she had a huge heart for God and was one of the 'talkers' of the group. :) She made it known to the other girls in the group how much God loved them and how much her life was dependent on Him. I was amazed by her passion and was refreshed by her child-like faith. That summer was hard on me spiritually, I was learning just as much as the girls were about how deep the Father's love is for us...and felt too broken and spiritually weak to co-lead a Bible study...let alone a Bible study of cheerleaders! Little did I know how much of an impact she would make a few short months later.

Staci's Story

This is a clip of her impact at Timber Creek High School--the relief school that was build for my high school. I know quite a few of the faces on the video and actually worked one summer with Mark Z. I was heavily involved with Student Venture in high school and two summers after I graduated. Staci's faith has made a way for Christ to be proclaimed in that school and the surrounding areas. My hope is that as more and more people see her story, they too will be impacted as they see how grounded she was in her faith and how God used her to bring glory to His Name.

1 comment:

Carly said...

I'm glad you decided to post that... it was really, really humbling. I posted it on myspace too so more people can see it. love you hope you are having a good day!