Wednesday, March 29, 2006

5 Things I Despise continued...

My list is back, and here is the second thing I am annoyed by at the moment...

2. Coach Shoes. These things are apparently all the rage at the moment...why I have no idea. They are hideous in my opinion. If you stare at them long enough on someone's foot it seriously looks like they were confused in the morning and accidentally wrapped their purse around their foot. Why would you want to wear shoes that look like a purse? Don't they realize that if they are wearing Coach shoes and a Coach bag they look like a Barbie doll? Only Barbie wears things that match that should stay that way.

Again, why so popular? Other than the prices of these shoes, which are out of control (the first pair are $120, the second $150) it is an ugly shoe! What color brown is that!? and what is going on with the toe and the random tread on the bottom? I don't even know what to say about that second pair of shoes...there really isn't anything to say but gross. It's print gone all-wrong. I could just imagine some woman who has to wake up at the wee hours of the morning accidentally picking up her shoe thinking it's her bag and placing her keys in it, and then putting her purse on her foot and walking out the door...poor embarrassing! That's the reason why purse print should NEVER match shoes or anything else about your outfit. Purses accessorize the outfit, not match the outfit so much that people are confused as to why you have three purses on your person.

This next pair of $86.99 shoes are just so ridiculously hideous that I won't even try to comment on the Light Bright color effect they give off or the fact that even an '80s child would find them disgusting--which is saying a lot considering the '80s had some pretty gross outfits.

Basically I have nothing nice to say about these shoes...and as much as I tried to be nice to Vera in my last post, I can't think of anything positive to say about these Coach's just a bad idea all over. So sorry Coach, but stick to purses and never invent another shoe.

1 comment:

Carly said...
