Friday, February 24, 2006

5 Things I Despise

*Despise might be a strong word, but hey, it's fun to use! ;)* I will be posting over a period of time the top 5 things that I cannot stand at the moment...and the first one is...

1. Vera Bradley. I cannot comprehend why in the world girls think these bags are fashionable. My friends get sooo excited when the latest pattern comes out and hurry out to the nearest Vera store (or wherever these things are sold) to go see it.

To me, they look like a quilted diaper bag that a mother of two lugs around. And, some of these patterns are so blindingly bright and hideous it makes me want to scream in horror every time I see them...especially when I think about how much people paid for these monstracities!

To further illustrate my point, I have found interesting pictures of these things and thought it would be enlightening to mention just how much women are spending on this stuff...In that first picture, the placemats cost $12 a piece, and the napkins are $6 each. Who in the world would decorate their dining room with this?!? The second picture is what is popular around my campus, this 69 dollar bag...why? why? I don't get sits on the ground just as much as any other bag does! Why pay so much for something that will go out of fashion in about 5 years?? Oh, and that cotton-candy quilted northern wannabe backpack costs $82!! Who, in their right mind, would buy that thing for 82 dollars?!? Obviously somebody because ol' Vera keeps crankin' out new patterns and my friends continue to oooh and aaaah over them.

But in all fairness...I did search extensively over the official Vera Bradley website for any pattern that I would find remotely pretty...and I found two...sort of. I wouldn't buy them for the world, but I felt it was necessary for me to find and say atleast one nice thing about these the fourth and fifth pictures are the patterns I can tolerate. They are called Chelsea Green and Piccadilly's sort of funny because the colors remind me of the most wonderful time time of year!! ;)


Carrie said...

I'm glad someone else has come to the light and agrees with me! ;)

kt said...

oh my goodness - i like vera bradley, but the dining room set is competely out of control.

it's been a while, Carrie. How have you been?

Carly said...
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Carly said...

(i had to delete my comment because i said something twice... idiot. so here is the revised version.)

hahaha that is hilarious... a whole blog of anti-vera bradley-ness. i have to admit even though she is on my list of addictions i mostly agree with you... and two of the three prints that i like are the ones you like. the other ones are pretty ridiculous. now i'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the rest of this list of things you don't like... ps I'm now paper-free!! two tests to go and lots of reading for american authors. you are my inspiration! good luck with your papers. love you