Friday, September 05, 2003

It's a miracle! I only spent $144 on books this semester!!! It is time for a party. :) Its so nice to know that I'm getting money from Bills Bookstore...instead of the other way around. hehehe.

Guess who is in my Old Testament class?? Johnny Depp. no seriously, there's this kid that looks exactly like him! Its weird! The other day he had on a bandana and it was so freaky...if he had put on heavy eyeliner, grown a little taller, and a pirates costume, he would have looked exactly like Captain Jack Sparrow. It is so strange watching his movements...because they are like him too! sort of drug-ish. He even gave his friend some advice: "If you're high when you study, and high when you take the test, you'll get high grades." yeah...well he didn't do to hot on the quiz we had. so much for his advice!

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