Monday, September 01, 2003

i am sitting here thinking about what i am going to do tomorrow (since it is labor day and I should go out and do something), listening to piano music, and wishing that i had my family around to plan with....luckly this weekend they are coming up here to Tally for Parent's weekend and my bro and sis are coming up as well! i'm so excited. :) I hope the game is a lot of fun and that we have a great family time. i feel like i've been up here forever...but i've only been through ONE week of school. how sad is that?! but i've been in tally for 3 weeks...thats why it feels so long. i have a sneaky suspicion that this school semester will fly by....because of several reasons: 1. my classes are very i will be looking forward to them ending. 2. football season always seems to fly by because its so fun! 3. fall semester seems shorter to me than spring...even though its not! i think it's because i look forward to christmas so much! ;) 4. because freshman year went by very fast and i know this one will too.

my options for tomorrow:

a. go to lake ella and have a quiet time with God in the morning. possibly do some of my reading for my classes there if i enjoy myself.
b. sleep in, and then sit in my room and do hw until its done and then figure out what to do with the rest of the day.
c. watch the news in the morning (because i feel very out of it...the only news i get is from my homepage on the internet:, and through my radio at 1:00am: BBC newsradio), then do hw, then go out somewhere.
d. complete option 'a' and then call brigitte and see if she wants to do something with me.
e. complete option 'a' then sunbathe on our new deck until it rains on me...

if anyone else has any ideas...i'd love to hear them! but now that i think about it...i think i'd like to do 'd' and sunbathe...if thats possible. if not i do have most of the day on tuesday!!! oh the choices we have to make in life when there is a holiday... ;)

A picture of Lake Ella

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