Once I decided to read the Bible everyday this week, stress flew at me from all directions like archers on target practice. Some of them were so random too!
-Creepy man at work --> he's odd and whispers everytime he talks to me in my cube. He kinda reminds me of Kevin from The Office, but not funny at all, just plain weird.
-Work load --> I assist four people at work and this week they decided to all give me long, detailed projects. I don't mind of course, but it's overwhelming to get them all at once!
-Friend at work --> she normally doesn't bother me much during the day, but man this week she's been in my cube talking and talking almost every hour she visits me! Stresses me out because any time I'm about to get into a work mode, she pops in.
-Florida drivers --> yes, a constant source of stress for me. This week there was a high percentage of "wait 'till the last minute to break" people. So I was constantly on my guard and almost got into three accidents.
-Roommate --> it felt like no matter what I did, there was something I did that bothered her. She chose this week to write me a letter expressing all this and man, what a week to get it. Then when I tried to express myself, she didn't seem to understand my position. ugh.
-Roommate's fiancé --> random! I know, but seriously he got mad at me this week when I didn't answer his text. I was sitting alone in my apartment and he randomly shows up and begins his laundry and stomps into my roommate's room. All he said to me was, "you didn't respond to my text." sheesh.
-Roommate's parents in town --> so she cooked them dinner yesterday, but failed to mention it to me so when I got home I had to quickly pack up all my dinner items and cook over at Dan's house. Thanks for the head's up!
-My Fiancé --> for some reason this week my fiance didn't have great days at work and took his frustration/sadness/annoyance home with him. Praise God that we both prayed together and this was quickly resolved, but still a lot of emotional energy was spent on this one.
-Save-the-dates --> this was the week to complete them and the website I was using crashed and froze, gave me error messages and such. A quick and easy process turned into a nightmare.
-Dreams --> every night this week I've had stress dreams. Dreams where I try and express myself and no one understands. Dreams of fighting with people I love. Dreams where I can't get anything done on time...etc. So not much restful sleep.
Hopefully sometime soon I can get some peace and rest so that I can calm my spirit.
Wow Carrie, what a week you had last month! I hope it's been uphill from there.
man this stressed me out just reading it. I know this is an old blog, but I'm getting caught up!
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