Friday, September 19, 2008

Jupiter in my Cup

Coffee at work isn't the best. Saying that may make me a coffee snob but facts are facts. The coffee at work tastes strange. It may be the brewing equipment is faulty, not enough water gets into the push pot, or that particular flavor of Barnie's coffee doesn't do it for me.

Every morning I hope our receptionist brews the flavored coffee. Maybe just once I'll walk in to see German Chocolate Cake or even Irish Creme. But alas, it is only when I'm in charge of the coffee that these fantastic flavors emerge from their storage closet.

Over time I've discovered the trick to making this coffee bearable. I know, it's a strong word, but you come try it! There's just something a little off about it. Anyways, the trick is to pour the coffee 2/3 of the way, then add some hot water, dump in 2 unflavored creamers, and finally 2 hazelnut creamers and you have the right consistency of sweetness that no sugar is needed.

Unfortunately our office is so cold that this concoction has to be drunk in a relatively short amount of time otherwise you have a lukewarm mess and styrofoam cannot go into the microwave!

Needless to say I had little respect for this coffee...UNTIL TODAY!

After I fixed my coffee like normal I stared at the top of my cup once I got back to my desk and noticed the most intriguing thing! Small swirls were forming all over the surface of the coffee. At first I thought it was just movement remnants of the stir stick I used, but it had been awhile since I stirred it. These incredible mini-hurricanes were forming because of the heat in my coffee (once Dan explained that to me).

The more I stared the more I realized it looked like the red spots of Jupiter, always moving, swirling but not getting anywhere. This was incredible! I had a tiny bit of outer space in my morning coffee...I had Jupiter in my cup!


Anonymous said...

Somehow over the last few years I had completely forgotten you had a blog. Now that I have entered the blog reading realm (it's pretty addictive) I rediscovered it and am so excited, Carrie! You and I both write the way we talk, so I have always enjoyed your fun!
In response to this particular post, I cracked up at your "concoction." The trouble is that the average office worker doesn't actually like coffee...he/she likes sugar. So they don't care how the coffee tastes because they are just going to drown it in sugar anyhow. I always got in trouble when I made the coffee at "FUBA" because I made it so strong that it tasted like...wait for That's right. Oh the horror. Josh and I have resigned ourselves to being coffee snobs and refuse to buy or drink crappy join the club :).

Eowyn said...

Hey Carrie, I've tried once more to add your blog to Google reader and/or become a follower of your blog through my Google account, but it won't work! It says that it cannot detect a feed. So weird! I'm sad!

Anyhow, I had fun hanging out the other night!