Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mission Accomplished

July 2008 resolution : I will attempt to write a little bit each week in my blog, but no promises people... ;)

Mission for last night: Buy roses and ribbon to do a test run on my bouquets
Where: Target and Joannes
Outcome: I've got the number of roses I want in each bouquet now. But no visual yet since I'm waiting for them to open up a little more. Plus we bought two ribbon colors (pink & green) and that will need to be narrowed down to one.

Surprising side trip: Buying the invitations and garter
Where: Joannes
Outcome: LOVELY! We saved sooo much money by deciding to print the invitations ourselves. When we realized that basically the one you send out gets thrown into the garbage and the only person who saves it is the bride & groom...why spend a lot of money on pretty invitations?? So we got 150 invites, envelopes, response cards & envelopes for $96. Woot! The garter was $2.99 so seriously...why not buy it already!

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