Thursday, February 10, 2005

Mi espanol profesor es muy suavamente!

I absolutely adore my Spanish class. It is so fun sometimes! It was such a good decision to switch sections...9:05 is definitely a pretty time compared to 8:00! Plus, my teacher is awesome, he makes the class laugh almost everyday, has dreadlocks, and dresses like a muscian/prep. The main reason our class gets along with him so well is because he's young and we can relate to him.

One thing I've noticed about my teacher is that he likes to share funny stories with the class. He has told us that he drives a really old car and has this bumper sticker on it that offends a lot of people because it has a curse word on it. He says everywhere he goes he usually finds a note on his car telling him that his bumper sticker is offensive and he should take it off. One of these people was actually the landlord of his apartment complex! The other day he told us that he ate pepinos (cucumbers) for breakfast...when someone asked him what he ate (it was part of an exercise teaching us how to ask questions in Spanish).

Another thing he does is come over to where I sit and just tell me the most random things. For instance, the other day he came over while we were in the middle of doing a writing activity, and told me (in Spanish) that his head hurt. I was wearing a hat that day and at first thought he was making fun of my hat, but then I quickly realized, no, he was telling me he had a headache. So I told him he should go take some Tylenol. ;)

Yesterday, I came into class wearing a white poncho (given to me by Brigitte). Well sure enough, while we were writing, he came over and asked me what the name was, of what I was wearing. I told him it was called a poncho, then he seemed to recognize that word and said he liked it a lot.

So then today, while we were writing he came over and asked me where my poncho was! I said that it was only for yesterday and not today. He laughed and walked away. Well another point in class he came over and told me that I should bring it to class so he can teach with it on. I laughed and told him to shut up, because it seemed to me that he was making fun of my poncho! After laughing a bit, he said, "No I think it's cool." Then he told the girl behind me, Jamie, that she wasn't cool because she didn't have a poncho. Why the obsession over the poncho? Well whatever the reason, it cracks me up, and makes getting up at 8am worth it!

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