Wednesday, September 10, 2003

well tonight was our Crush social...each girl can invite three guys. it was interesting and really made me sad. all these girls and guys who are empty...trying to fill themselves up with the social scene and alcohol. girls hoping guys will show up so they can have their 'special someone.' how do they do it over and over again? meeting new people then dropping them, and going out again to meet more people. i would probably get really depressed...maybe thats why they drink so much. tonight brigitte and i had to take one of our new pledges back to the house because she split her pants open while dancing on the 'stripper' pole. she felt really embarassed....but probably won't remember the drive or most of the party. see she told us that she had twelve shots before she came. she kept apologizing to me and another sister...thinking she was being an inconvenience to us...but to me, it just makes me sad that this is the way she thinks she can have fun with her friends or even with guys. at one point in the car ride she had commented that this was God's way of punishing her because she had slept with a fraterity guy. it was amazing to me to see her logic in it all, and see that even when you are totally out of it and still think about God. i don't mean to tell this story to try to make myself look 'better' or judge her. i just wanted to write it down to remind myself that sorority and fraternity people are no different than anyone else...they are lost people constantly searching for something/one to fill their needs, and are very good at acting like they have no needs or problems. pray for my sorority. pray that they will catch a glimpse of how much God loves them, pray for brigitte and i as we minister to them. pray that we shine in the darkness and keep our walks stong.

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