• It is possible to get sick in your car, while driving on the interstate at 70 miles an hour, one handed with a publix bag next to your face, and still not make it into the bag but all over the front of your shirt and seatbelt.
• A task as simple as loading the dishwasher can trigger your gag reflex so bad that you have to run to the bathroom and then ask your husband to finish cleaning the dishes.
• You have to “unlearn” the way you deal with stomach queeziness because normally if you feel sick, you don’t eat anything or just have 7-Up and crackers. But during pregnancy, eating protein and whole grain every few hours could mean the difference between a good or a bad day.
• Feeling tired is taken to a whole new level – a night’s rest never feels long enough
• Coffee does not sound good at all - shocker I know.
• Vegetables do not sound good.
• Fruit and fruit snacks, however, are God’s gift to my stomach.
• You begin to hate eating because it either goes well for a few hours or comes back up in 20 minutes.
• You gain a super power: acute smell, which is a blessing and a curse. A blessing when you smell a nice flower or perfume...a curse when your work cafeteria cooks vegetarian meat products for breakfast that smell like a landfill and cause you to gag all the way down the hall to your cubical.
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