Monday, July 07, 2003

i am having so much fun here in colorado! The project people are awesome. :) there are so many from all over the US. Ohio is the popular state though...i think there are about four or five peeps from there...but there are three of us from Orlando, besides Michelle D. and Brian G. we have focused a lot on building our team unity and strengthening our walks with God. this week though is when everything is supposed to pick up speed. today we already went out with the kids and played capture the flag and a couple other games. it was awesome! they seem like fun. :)

one of the first bonding experiences we had as a team was climbing a mountain called Horsetooth. It was two miles straight up! and i'm proud to say that i did it all the way. of course i was out of breath at points, but my florida lungs prevailed! it was so pretty up there...the view. oh man. God is definitely evident here in the scenery of colorado.

this past weekend we went on a retreat to a ski lodge. we had great accomodations...these chalets with hot tubs in them! of course the one that was in our chalet didn't work! hahaha. Mandie (amanda), kristina, Sota (a.k.a. angela), Shara, and Debby all stayed in "my" chalet. while here we had Bert Robinson come and speak to us. it was exactly what i needed. out in the mountains away from florida and the business of CSU....i had great times with God. on the way to the resort we crossed the continental divide. and passed gorgeous mountains. we stopped to eat lunch at this little ranch style place at Trailridge mountain. which is a little over 12,000 feet high! I defintely saw snow and elk! it was crazy. i was freezing and it was in July! only in colorado! hahaha. we also past this lake that really was big and very deep. water was soo blue. guess what it was called?? Grand Lake. how funny is that?? very creative and explainatory! hahaha. anyways. we also spent the 4th of July on the retreat. we went back to Grand Lake and watched them go off. it wasn't the best show, just cause we were so far away. but still you can't beat the view! the day after we watched fireworks from our little resort thing. it was the end of some jazz festival. so God was good to us. that was one of the best shows i'd ever seen. we were sooo close to them and they were enormous!

well i'll write more later. i just didn't want to forget some of these things.

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