Monday, February 06, 2006

Writing days...

Today is a writing day, a day in which I have completely devoted to writing a paper that is due on Thursday. A paper that scares me a little, but also is causing me a great deal of senior-itis and apathy towards school. It is interesting to note how on such 'writing days' everything else in my life somehow takes on a new form and becomes curiously distracting and alluring. For example, this blog, other blogs I read, the internet, the facebook, my email account, the world outside my room, even other people in the hallway become a distraction. Fascinating isn't it that they change in a split second from being mundane to completely interesting when I have a 6-8 page paper looming in the back of my world. Oh much for delaying it any longer.

I will grab my Starbucks (vanilla, hazelnut latte), and with pen in hand spill out insightful words until my mind has turned to mush!

Happy Writing Day! :)

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